The series of videos is based on sincere emotions of the actors. They show realistic situations instantly relatable to everyone. First, we see exciting anticipation as the actor removes the wrapper, and then, after seeing the gift, it is replaced by a polite, strained smile addressed to the giver.
We all want our gifts to be special. We want to see that sincere delight and joy from a wish come true! We want to look inside the person's mind and give them something that they truly would enjoy. But sometimes we don’t have enough time to make the right choice, or we don't know the recipient quite as well as we would like to.
Having already decided on a gift, we second-guess ourselves.
Will they really like it?
What if they're waiting for something else?
What if they already have it?
What if it won't fit?..
Such is life, we are not always sure that our gift is what a person really dreams about.
On average, the videos were seen by more than 1.5 million people on MEGA's internal screens
Promote the benefits of the "MEGA gift" card. This is a bank card that can be purchased as a gift at the MEGA shopping center with an option to prepay any amount, so the recipient can use it like a regular bank card for any purchaces.
Motivate consumers to purchase the cards as a gift for their loved ones during holiday rush.
Emotionally involve the audience and highlight the topic of choosing a gift in an ironic, light and humorous manner.
Gift Card Campaign
Gift Card Campaign
Gift Card Campaign
Gift Card Campaign
In the video we told a story of a woman who seems alone in encountering oddities that symbolize her discomfort, and no one around notices what she feels.
When a person experiences dry eye, they often write it off as a temporary discomfort and the problem goes unnoticed. Sometimes obvious symptoms seem far-fetched to us, and we brush them off until the problem can no longer be ignored.
1.5 million views
Increased product knowledge
Increased audience awareness about dry eye
Develop a communication video for the Kazakhstan market that will introduce the brand and the product to a cold audience;
In an engaging, creative, positive way discuss dry eye, which people traditionally ignore and do not consider significant, even though it is a serious diagnosis that requires attention;
Stand out from the cluster, make the brand recognizable and noticeable among competitors.
Eye Drops TVC
Eye Drops TVC
In the video we show situations where characters imagine their favorite Hardee's burgers and snacks. But after they go to the main app and order delivery, they manage to defeat hunger.
When a somebody's hungry, they see food everywhere: on their phone, in photos, everywhere. And to turn off your hunger, you need to download Hardee's app!
  • 800 thousand total views videos in Russian and Kazakh
  • Active downloads of the app
  • Increased number of orders through the app
As part of the Hardee's new app launch in Kazakhstan, come up with a way to inform the audience of the new feature – placing orders online in the app. Develop a video and a series of banners to highlight the new feature.
Mobile App Launch Video
Mobile App Launch Video
In the video we express the idea that in order to make childhood dreams of a happy and fulfilling life come true, all you need is to start every day with something good. And then all these small, simple, human efforts will come to gether and turn old dreams into reality.
What does Herbalife provide to customers? Is it just fit complection, energy and beautiful abs? Of course not. Each of those things opens up a whole world of positive emotions that were previously unavailable. After all, fit figure is not just that. It is also happiness from a new dress, the looks that you get, it is self-confidence, an unforgettable weekend, and a lot of good things that come into our lives!
  • 17 million views on YouTube
  • Brand image indicators have improved
  • Increased awareness of Herbalife as a brand for balanced nutrition
  • Awareness indicators have increased
Change brand perception among consumers: move away from “products for weight loss only” to “products for a balanced diet” due to the strategy change of 2017 (expanding from weight management to healthy wellbeing).
Form and strenghten brand perception as an expert in the field of balanced nutrition among new and existing consumers using new brand ambassadors – Olympic figure skating champions Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina, who personify core values ​​and advantages of Herbalife.
Increase brand loyalty among existing and new consumers.
Increase brand recognition and awareness.
New Brand Positioning Launch Video
New Brand Positioning Launch Video
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