The series of videos is based on sincere emotions of the actors. They show realistic situations instantly relatable to everyone. First, we see exciting anticipation as the actor removes the wrapper, and then, after seeing the gift, it is replaced by a polite, strained smile addressed to the giver.
We all want our gifts to be special. We want to see that sincere delight and joy from a wish come true! We want to look inside the person's mind and give them something that they truly would enjoy. But sometimes we don’t have enough time to make the right choice, or we don't know the recipient quite as well as we would like to.
Having already decided on a gift, we second-guess ourselves.
Will they really like it?
What if they're waiting for something else?
What if they already have it?
What if it won't fit?..
Such is life, we are not always sure that our gift is what a person really dreams about.
On average, the videos were seen by more than 1.5 million people on MEGA's internal screens
Promote the benefits of the "MEGA gift" card. This is a bank card that can be purchased as a gift at the MEGA shopping center with an option to prepay any amount, so the recipient can use it like a regular bank card for any purchaces.
Motivate consumers to purchase the cards as a gift for their loved ones during holiday rush.
Emotionally involve the audience and highlight the topic of choosing a gift in an ironic, light and humorous manner.